Practice Tests >> Test 4
Before trying the test
- You should complete our ‘Sport‘ exercises.
- You should watch our ‘Expressing personal opinions‘ video for the Part 2 and Part 3 test.
Part 2 and Part 3 Practice Test
You’ll need to create a Voicethread account to record yourself. Click the forward arrow at the bottom of the image to begin.
NB: This service requires Flash. Using an ipad or iPhone?
3) IELTS Language Lab
Visit the IELTS Language Lab to hear a teacher’s feedback on one of the student recordings from this test.
Please could you send me ielts practice tests
My life is depend on IELTS exam , because i decided to go abroad ,for my further education (high education).
i want need help speking
hey this makes u feel more serious about the test
please send test ielts