Now confirm your email!
Before we sign you up to our messages we want to be certain we have your permission.
In a few seconds, you’ll receive an email from me, Peter Travis at Splendid Speaking. You must click on the link in that email to confirm your request or you will not receive our emails. (We ask you to do this is to stop anyone signing you up without your permission.)
If the message is not in your inbox check your spam or bulk email folder.
2) Add as a contact or you may not receive our email. See below for further help.
Best wishes
Peter Travis
Splendid Speaking
Make sure you receive our messages!
We want to ensure our messages get to our subscribers so that we can give you the information you have requested. If you have trouble receiving email from us the following information may help.
Depending upon your email system you may find that your message filtering is set up in such a way that:
a) our emails get directed to your spam folder and/or
b) the links in our emails don’t work.
To help you, here are examples of how you can stop this happening if you are using one of the common email clients listed below:
Hotmail uses a “Safe List” that you should add our email address to:
Click the Options link on the right side of the interface.
Choose Mail from the left side of the Options page.
Click Junk E-Mail Protection.
Click Safe List.
Type our email address ( into the box and click Add.
Windows Live Hotmail
Windows Live Hotmail works similarly to the old Hotmail:
Click the Options link at right and choose More Options from the dropdown.
Choose Allowed and Blocked Senders.
Click Allowed Senders.
Type our email address ( and click Add to List.
Yahoo Mail (Old Version)
Yahoo users should create a filter to direct all messages from us to their inbox.
To do this, you:
Click on the Options link on the right side of the page.
Click the Filters link that appears to the right.
Click the Add link.
To the right of the from contains line, enter our email address ( and click Add Filter.
Yahoo Mail (New Version)
Users of the new Yahoo Mail should also create a filter.
Yahoo currently redirects you to the old Yahoo Mail interface to set up the filter, but in the future should integrate the Add Filter page directly into the new interface.
GMail will automatically deliver mail from a user’s Contacts list to the inbox.
To add a contact:
Click the Contacts link at left.
Near the top of the page click Create Contact.
Enter our email address (, and click Save.
AOL Webmail
AOL has a “Custom Sender List” that users can specify.
However, to use the Custom Sender List, users must choose to accept mail ONLY from their custom senders, or to reject mail ONLY from their custom senders.
So, you need to make sure you are set to receive mail from All Senders:
Click the Settings link at the top of the page.
Choose Spam Controls from the options at left.
Under Additional Spam Filters click Control From Whom I Get Email.
A popup appears – choose the first option (Allow mail from all senders).
Click the green Save button.
If you are already using a Custom Sender list to define who can mail you, please add us on it (
Best wishes
The Splendid Speaking team